I've been playing legacies since I heard about them, before University came out for the Sims 2, and my first major family was the Vermachtnis family, a Sims 2 legacy which I finished in 2014 after starting it some 9 years earlier (whoops!). I still write several legacies in Sims 2, and besides The Allen Invasion, I also have my original Sims 4 legacy, The Gregory Legacy. I also played a Wonder Child Challenge that I am hoping will evolve into an Apocalypse Challenge, and it is called The Silva Saga. Finally, my friend Kristina and I are writing a legacy together called I Hart Space!, which is a matriarchy with a space theme. Links to all of my other stories can be found in the tab above.
Outside of the sims world, I have a degree in medical transcription and am currently working in medical records. I love all things arts and crafts, I write non-sims fiction, and I also like to play my 3DS when I'm not playing sims. I like listening to EDM, eating seafood, and wearing funky earrings. My favorite color is blue. My sister (known in some of my stories as simJ), my friends from SiMania (some of whom you'll see in the links section), and my IRL writing group friends are some of my closest compatriots.
Now we're practically best buddies, right? If there's something else you're dying to know about me and it's not too weird, comment away!

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