Whoa, another legacy? Yeah, I kind of can't help myself. This one has been brewing for a while and City Living was the final tipping point for making it become an actuality. I'll explain more after the next few pictures! If you're a regular reader of mine, thanks for making the jump to a new legacy. I promise I'm not putting my other stuff on hiatus; this will just be added to the rotation. If you're a new reader, welcome! Now, let's get started.
**Note: the pictures had to be reuploaded some time after this was originally written. Some of the text formatting is wonky, and I apologize for that, but I can't fix it at this time. It should still be readable.
This is our founder, Sasha Allen, and she is going to be starting a very unique legacy. First of all, let's talk about her and my chosen succession rules, and then we'll talk about what really makes The Allen Invasion unique. Sasha is a remake of one of my favorite sims from Sims 2, the seventh generation heiress of my Vermachtnis Legacy, who was one-quarter alien, but had a very pretty alien appearance including enormous blue eyes and freckles on her green skin. I can't give her human blue eyes or freckles, so I did my best, but I'm pretty happy with how she turned out. In fact, my sister, who probably hasn't seen any pics of Sasha Vermachtnis for a couple years, instantly recognized her when I showed her a picture, so I think I've done my job. She's also one of my top downloads in the Gallery, incidentally, not that that's saying all that much.
Sasha Allen's backstory is that she
is a reincarnation of Sasha Vermachtnis who retains some memories of her past
life. She is torn between being very proud of her alien heritage (and it's full
alien now, since she's fresh from CAS) and having to live in a society that is
not always tolerant of aliens. She changed her last name to Allen - definitely
not Alien, no, it's Allen - and she's going to be wearing a disguise out a lot
until she can afford the shameless trait because I don't want her constantly
embarrassed. Like her previous incarnation, she is essentially a family sim
with the Big, Happy Family aspiration, and her personality closely mirrors what
it was in Sims 2: active, outgoing, and mean. Oh yes, after complaining all the
time about Faye Gregory being mean I am willingly playing another mean sim.
Sasha Vermachtnis wasn't really evil (unlike her father Palmer), but she had no
nice points whatsoever, so mean was the best fit.
As for succession, well, we're going to be a little bit picky with the spouses first of all. Sasha is so proud of her alien heritage and colorful skin that she wants all her descendants to share in it. Therefore, only aliens are eligible to be spouses. This will be quite difficult for the first generation, but hopefully after that we can get a wormhole generator or a fully upgraded rocket. I have plans for Sasha to find a spouse, though. Once that's taken care of, the succession laws will be the following:
Gender: Equality (either gender is
Bloodline: Strict Traditional (the
alien genetics are a big part)
Heir Law: Democracy (yes, you'll be
voting on them!)
Species Law: Xenophobic (all
children must be the same species as the founder, therefore alien in this case
- abduction pregnancies from a male heir are thus also fine, but all
spouses will be aliens)
So the alien thing has been something I've
wanted to try since the alien skintones tend to get bred out after just one
generation in a regular family. I made Sasha shortly after GTW came out, and I
knew I wanted to try a legacy with her, but I put the idea on hold. These two
things were the impetus for this legacy, but what really made it come to
fruition is the next bit. . .

Location, location, location. I am calling this variation on the start a High Rise Legacy. The legacy will start on the bulldozed penthouse in the Fashion District (1 Torendi Tower is the bigger of the two penthouses in CL) and must build it back up again. I wanted to have a legacy where City Native was a viable alternative for an aspiration, and I was curious whether the bills would be bad enough for it to be fair to start a legacy this way. Until I got that first round of bills, it was on a tentative basis whether this would be a viable start. Since I'm publishing this, obviously I figured that out. ;) This kind of start will present a difficulty later on since even with building up, the penthouse does not have as much space as Oakenstead or the Windenburg lots.
Sasha doesn't start with a completely blank lot because these are required items for a penthouse/apartment. So she has a trash chute, an elevator, and a mailbox. None of these provide any real benefit to her starting out, and they will be included in her bills, of course, so I think it works out to be a fair legacy start. There is a wall covering applied because buy mode wouldn't let me remove it for some reason. Oh well; it's not like Sasha cares. Let the High Rise Legacy of the Allen Invasion begin!
Sasha is doing an extreme start, so first she needs to earn enough to buy that knight. I cheated her money so it would be equitable to a real extreme start. She starts out fishing in Windenburg. She's fishing because I eventually want her to garden a bit too, and it's nice to have fish for that. Right now she's undisguised, but she switched into her disguise to take breaks from fishing and talk to other sims.
Here's Sasha's saucy blonde minx disguise. Technically she was on the café lot, and the little stinker kept buying Americanos whenever I wasn't looking. Like, constantly. I guess this is a rule violation since she shouldn't be buying anything until she can afford the knight, but I couldn't always stop her. I did make her stop drinking them once I noticed, but she was constantly ordering them that first day.
Sasha: "HiI'msuperexcitedtomeetyouit'sabeautifuldaydon'tyouthink?"
Dominic Fyres: "That chick
seriously needs to lay off the Americanos."
You're telling me. Every time I sent
her to use the bathroom or nap on the bench or whatever, she was getting
another drink. It also meant that she was constantly taking bites out of the
bit of money I was trying to save up for the knight.
Finally Sasha fished up enough interesting catches to outweigh her troublesome espresso habit and she returned home to buy the knight. And then she was completely broke again, pretty much. I've seen in other legacies where people put the knight in essentially a glass box so the player can see it but the sims don't get a benefit from it, and I'd like to do that some day, but she can't afford walls right now, let alone windows, so into the inventory it goes.
After spending the night on that flat, super comfortable-looking bench behind her, active Sasha woke up and did some push-ups. That's totally what I would do if I were living on the roof of a building and sleeping in the courtyard.
She then took advantage of the food stall, operated by Alice Spencer-Kim, to enjoy a fine breakfast of egg rolls with pretty much the last simoleons in her account. It is definitely time to go in for work. Luckily, today is her first shift as a scientist.
I started Sasha in science because in the Gregory Legacy, Faye had an alien coworker, and I have a sim in another save that had an alien coworker. I was hoping this was a thing with the science career, since I'd like Sasha to find an alien soon because she really needs a second income. Also the wormhole generator would be handy for future generations, since we don't really have room for a rocket. Only two of her coworkers weren't premades, and neither appeared to be an alien. However, this save doesn't have the same alien skin bug that unfortunately exists in the Gregory save and also seems to prevent them from wearing disguises, so I supposed it was possible that they were actually smart enough to wear a disguise. Sasha risked her disguise to do a personality reading, because I assumed this would tell me if the sim was actually an alien.
Neither of the coworkers seemed to be aliens, however, although this one is sometimes the human statue in Sasha's courtyard at home, just by coincidence. Disgusted, I had Sasha complete a day at work, invent the momentum conserver and put it in her inventory, then planned to switch careers. Generation 2 will have to build the wormhole generator because I'm kind of burned out on science at the moment.
At home, Sasha switches to the doctor career, but she unfortunately has a couple days before she gets to go in for that. I now have no leads on an alien spouse, because that was my best guess and it would take ages to build the rocket or the wormhole generator. She will just have to keep going out and hope she meets one around town somewhere. She's exhausted, but I sent her down to the lounge anyway in the hopes of meeting a potential spouse.
Wonder of wonders, it just so happens to be alien night!! Talk about luck! For the longest time, no aliens showed up, and when they did, it was these two angry blue gentlemen, both with deficient personalities. Davon, on the left, was slightly better than Anton, though both did hate children, I think. Sasha was despairing a little of meeting any other aliens before she passed out.
Then, just as Davon was yelling at Sasha, a lovely purple female alien showed up. She didn't have the best personality, but Wendy Quezada was light years (space pun) beyond the other two in the personality department. With a plan in mind, Sasha went home and spent another night on the bench.
The next morning, a day off from work, Sasha invited Wendy over.
Wendy: "When you invited me up
to your penthouse, I was kind of expecting, you know . . . walls."
Sasha: "Yeah, I don't have
those yet."
Wendy: "That's cool, I guess. A
major safety hazard this high up, but cool."
Sasha: "So, we just met last
night and you found out I literally live on the roof of a building with no
furniture. Wanna move in?"
Wendy: "Hell yes, I do!"
Wendy, though she may have some questionable judgment issues, is quite cute. She's a lazy slob, and yet somehow also a perfectionist, and she wants to be a Bestselling Author. Well, thank goodness she didn't want to be a Bodybuilder! Bestselling Author we can do. Authors do spend a lot of time sitting, after all. One problem with Wendy is that she's an adult, not a young adult. All three of the aliens Sasha met were though, so we didn't exactly have a choice.
Wendy and Sasha, still just good friends, head to the library to work on Wendy's job requirements. She instantly got a job in writing and needs to read a few books, as well as needing that for her aspiration, I believe. Sasha works on logic because I've heard it helps with the test machines at the hospital returning usable results more reliably if you have higher logic skill. I'm still not sure if that's actually true or not. Also it keeps her from saying mean things to random sims, so that's a plus.
Once Wendy's done her required reading, they head down to the waterfront, Sasha to fish and Wendy to scrounge up plants, frogs, and whatever other salable items she can get her hands on. When they've done a bit of that, they start in on flirting. I was finally able to buy a bed with Sasha's first paycheck, but it's a double, so unless one of them wants to spend the night on the bench in the courtyard, they need to work on a romantic relationship. No sentimentality here - it's all about the practical aspects of living on top of a building with little to no money or possessions.
These two do seem to get along pretty well, though, so the relationship progresses quickly.
Soon they share a beautiful first kiss by moonlight. They're both about to drop, so they head back to the "penthouse" - quotation marks because it's still just a rooftop with a bed.
Here's two very flirty aliens agreeing to be girlfriend and girlfriend. With that, they drop into bed and are out like a light. There will be no amorous celebrations tonight. Founding a legacy and flirting is hard work, y'all.
In disguise the next morning, Sasha is sent down to the courtyard where I know she'll pick out some food while I get Wendy up. When I check on Sasha, she has selected pufferfish nigiri for her breakfast. Sasha, NO! Please don't kill yourself before you're even engaged. We have no idea how well Alice can prepare deadly pufferfish. :/
Sasha is soon joined by this lovely lady, who she instantly flirts with, but no worries: this is Wendy's disguise. Wendy wisely avoids the potentially deadly food and goes for a noodle bowl of some sort instead.
Although they started off flirty, Sasha can't help that mean streak and I soon found myself forcing her to apologize for a testy remark. Neither sim has work today, so they head back to the library and the waterfront to forage and skill.
By that evening, Sasha is back at the insults, though. Sigh. This is why mean sims are so annoying.
FINALLY! Sasha gets to go in to work the next day. She looks cute in her scrubs, but I'll like it better when she doesn't have to wear her disguise.
It's a good thing they're hiring new people, because the hospital was absolutely flooded with patients that day. The alien is Anton, so unfortunately not a new one.
After a fairly boring day of work, mopping puddles and making beds, Sasha unloads on the librarian at what is quickly becoming their favorite spot.
Wendy avoids the drama by learning to cook from a book in the bathroom.
Sasha has rescued a poster and a snow globe from random boxes that spawn in the courtyard, and we got a desk for Wendy's job reward computer. Sasha's momentum conserver is here, as well as two toys that I bought for whims of hers. They also managed to build a 2 x 2 bathroom with a cheap toilet and shower but no sink. Yes sir, this "penthouse" is really looking nice.
Sasha's coworker invited her out to party, and Sasha is still so pleased about her new life with Wendy that her glow quickly gives her away. The coworker is confident, but Sasha is embarrassed. I find this aspect of Sims 4 aliens so annoying. Why can't they just live their life? I found a mod that removes the embarrassed buff, but it replaced it with a confident one (which seems like an unfair advantage to me) so I ended up not downloading it. I'll just have to keep saving for that shameless trait. Sasha is seeing a lot of people at the hospital and it'll only continue as she moves up the ranks and starts really treating patients, so there will be a constant risk of discovery.
Back home, Sasha starts a small garden, since gardening is my preferred cash cow in this game. Wendy collected quite a few nice plants for Sasha to start with.
After a trip down to the courtyard in disguise, Sasha pays the bills that have just arrived. They were $1292, and they have hardly anything, so I consider this hard enough to be a valid legacy. As it was, it left them with pennies pretty much.
I had been holding off on really moving along with the legacy until I knew whether the bills would be too easy or not, but now that I know that they're plenty hard enough, things can progress.
Wendy: "Sasha, I feel like
we've been so successful already with our paltry paychecks and our rooftop
furniture. The only thing that would make this life more perfect is if you
would be my wife. Marry me!"
Sasha: "Oh, Wendy, I feel the
same way. I will!"
The next day at work, I forgot to put on Sasha's disguise. Several patients didn't even notice, but when she did eventually become embarrassed, it was outweighed by her engagement moodlet, so that worked out nicely.
The ladies decide to celebrate their engagement by heading down to the karaoke bar in disguise for some fun.
There they meet their landlord, Seiji, who they both had relationships with but had never actually met before. He's an evil genius with some other trait that I don't remember. I kind of love him. We don't want to cross him, though, I think.
Sasha had done some singing practice when I was bored in the first few days and there was nothing to do, so she had enough skill to do a not-terrible job in a karaoke contest. She got 50/100 points, and Seiji was totally into it. She ended up winning the contest, by the way, and got a small cash prize. The other contestants that night were terrible, needless to say!
The bar was completely full of dudes, but that's okay, because these ladies only have eyes for each other, even across a crowded bar. Intense flirting ensued.
Then Sasha came down with an illness she's probably been incubating since the hospital. Unfortunately, it was the one that makes your sim playful, and with her engagement and other happy moodlets, she was in danger of laughing herself to death. For those of you keeping count at home, this is the second time in the first two weeks that Sasha has flirted with potential death.
Amazingly, calming herself down in the mirror cured her, and even made the stripes disappear, so she was able to resume her epic flirt session. Sasha and Wendy decided they were ready to take their relationship to the next level.
They got dressed in their fanciest clothes and prepared to say their vows in front of some corporate zen garden that belongs to whatever company leases the first floor. Romantic!
Congratulations to Sasha and Wendy Allen, official first couple of the Allen Invasion!
Slob Wendy celebrates in the most thoughtful way possible, by farting on her new bride. They then retired for 'celebrations' back at their roof bed.
The next day at work:
Patient 1: "OW! Why they hell did you give
me a shot? That didn't do anything!"
Sasha: "Oh good Lord, please let this shot work. If I fail another treatment, I'm going to get demoted."
Patient 3: "Well that's
reassuring bedside talk. I do feel better, though."
Thank goodness! I discovered I am not very good
at guessing diagnoses, and Sasha tanked her job performance by getting the
first two wrong, setting her back at least a day, if not two, in job
performance. From here on out, I'm waiting for the Definitive Diagnosis to pop
up or I'll just keep running tests.
Sasha: "Wendy, I'm just so happy! We're newlyweds, we now have a fridge and a counter and don't have to eat expensive eggrolls and noodle bowls every day, and I even found another poster and snow globe! I feel like things are really looking up. Literally, since we're pretty much at the top of the city. There's only one thing missing from our wall-less, guard-rail-less 'penthouse.'"
Wendy: "And what's that?"
Sasha: "A baby! I feel like
that would really make our lives complete. Let's go make one."
Wendy: "I was hoping you would say
that!"One of the lot traits is Ley Lines, since I was curious how that worked (I had no idea whether it would be a weak boost like the fertility trait or maybe something stronger), and Sasha got an energized moodlet that indicated she was full of "funky fertile energy." Yay! I hope she has twins!
Wendy is over the moon to hear she's going to be a mother. I'd like them to have three kids as that's typically what I can manage easily, and Sasha will be carrying them all. So lucky Wendy gets to be a mother without any of the hard work of growing the babies. No wonder she's happy.
The next day at work, as Sasha is starting to show a little, a new coworker named Saanvi (I think) chased Sasha off the toilet so she could insult her. Not a smart move, insulting a hormonally-charged, pregnant mean sim when she's trying to pee.
Sasha wanted to fight her, but she can't do that while pregnant, so she just told her off most of the day when she wasn't doing other things. Sasha found it quite a satisfactory situation. Except for the librarian, I've been trying to have her get along with everyone, so she's more than happy to finally let loose. Saanvi better watch her back from now on!
Sasha's random whim-inspired toy purchases are continuing. It is a pretty easy 50 points towards that shameless trait, but maybe not the best use of the money considering the wall situation.
After another undisguised day at work during which she somehow never got discovered, Sasha is delighted to find out that, while she can't do pushups, she can definitely run quickly on the treadmill. This is good news, since she gets tense when she's not active enough. Sasha usually finishes the day's tasks early, so I let her have free reign and she usually ends up here, doing this.
Or a little bit of this. Saanvi must be regretting messing with Sasha.
Wendy: "So, I'm sick and delirious, and since you just show up and read our books like you own the place anyway, I thought I'd give you a key, neighbor. We don't have a front door, but it's the thought that counts."
This neighbor is actually also one of the doctors at the hospital, so Sasha has a pretty good relationship with her. I forgot her name but I do remember she's insane. Because we have no front door or 'lobby' space in front of the elevator, neighbors that drop by tend to help themselves to our amenities whether they've been invited in or given keys or not.
Sasha's having a hard time with her pregnancy and is taking frequent naps when she's not working, even when it's just a few hours before bedtime.
When she does get up, she doesn't get very far through her BLT before she goes into labor. Time for the first child of generation 2!
Because Sasha works at the hospital, I really felt like she ought to have her baby there. Her face mirrors my own, though. I really don't like the birth machine. It squicks me out majorly.
Sasha: "Um, doctor, I've never seen you here before. Are you sure you're in the right place?"
Doctor: "Yeah, none of the
other doctors knew anything about alien biology, so they called me in from
another hospital. It'll be fine; I read a lot of sci-fi."
Sasha: "Oh, well, that's reassuring."Skipping the icky birth machine process, Sasha has had twins! A little boy and a little girl, and despite having one green parent and one purple one, they are both blue. Hmm. That's cool, I guess, but unexpected. I'm so happy we got twins! It looks the Ley Line trait worked in this case. That's cool too.
Wendy was a big help throughout the whole process. So glad I brought her along.
Sasha changed into an alien suit that wasn't in her list of outfits before but is now. Maybe it's an alien ritual birth garment? I don't know. After a quick cuddle of one of the twins, it's time to head home.
I didn't really have any clues for a naming theme, so I decided each birth will advance to the next letter of the alphabet, and at least for right now, I'm just randomizing until I find a name starting with the right letter that I like. The girl is named Aspen and the boy is Alec. They are both the same shade of blue. Wendy and Sasha see to their needs right away.
Wendy: "We have newborns! Want another baby?"
Sasha: "Heck yeah! Get in that bed, woman!"
While Alec sleeps and Aspen is probably scarred for life, Wendy and Sasha are still woohooing when the sun rises. Sasha could not get a positive pregnancy test to save her life, but Wendy needed a little sleep before she went into work, so they had to quit trying for now.
Sasha: "Help! I can't change my baby's diaper because this random woman I've never met before just showed up to play with my cranky baby."
Although having random neighbors drop by adds to
the crazy fun, this is just aggravating. Sasha had to talk to her to distract
her so she could get to Alec.
Sasha: ". . . and that's why rent will probably be late this week. But aren't they adorable?"
Seiji: "You know, when I leased
you this floor, I kind of expected you to build on it. Not fill it with babies.
What are you even going to do when they start running around? Thank God
children don't go through a stage where they crawl around without really
understanding danger and stuff. Anyway, about that rent. I don't think . .
Sasha: "So adorable!"
Seiji: "Yeah, I guess they're a
little cute. Heh, pretty darn cute actually. Kind of makes me wish . . . wait,
what were we talking about again?"
Sasha: "You said my rent could
be late."
Seiji: "Did I? Huh. Okay, then.
(Also, check out the glowing birth
certificates on the wall back there. These things are amazing!)
After they got their boosts (satisfaction for Sasha so she can get shameless, needs reduction for Wendy so she can write books easier), Wendy and Sasha had some business to attend to if they were going to have a third child, but Jasmine would. not. go. away. Seriously. No matter how many goodbyes and ask to leaves they spammed her with - not even when they tried to shoo her so they could woohoo - would she leave.
Sasha: "God, is she still here? We're never going to get it on at this rate."
Wendy: "Yeah, Jasmine, feel
free to make use of that elevator at any time."
Jasmine: "Ugh! These people are so rude.
Can't they tell I'm trying to read?"Jasmine finally left and Wendy and Sasha did the deed until Sasha was filthy, but still no positive on the pregnancy test. How annoying.
After this, until the conclusion of Boost Week, Jasmine just kept randomly showing up, including while Wendy and Sasha were woohooing, making all parties to the violation embarrassed. Thanks a lot, Jasmine.
I found out that a pregnancy-related mod I had was broken by a patch between the first conception and this one, and it hasn't been updated, so once I removed it, Sasha was pregnant after the first try. Baby #3 on the way!
Sasha: "I'm pregnant!"
Wendy: "Wait, is this a good
Sasha: "You started it."
Wendy: "I know. I'm too darn sexy for my
own good."Sasha: "Here, neighbor. I have a whim to give someone an apartment key, and you're kind of my friend since you showed up to my floor that one time, so have a key."
Neighbor: "Gosh, I was kind of
hoping to get treated for my debilitating disease, but this is cool too, I
Sasha: "Yeah, you'll have to
show up when I haven't completed my tasks for the day. I'm going to go run on
the treadmill for a while. Feel better or whatever!"
Sasha has such a promising career in medicine
ahead of her with that attitude.
Aspen is technically the older of the twins, so she goes first. I'll be rolling their personalities all at once for this legacy. So Aspen starts out as a neat Whiz Kid, but we learn she'll be a difficult teen, then take after Sasha as an adult. Oh, and she'll want to collect stuff too. Hmm, that's kind of all over the place, but I do like her makeover. She has a very serious look to her. I'm not sure how she ended up with dark red hair, but she did, so I kept it.
Alec's personality makes a lot more sense! Although he won't be an art lover until he's an adult, it goes with his childhood aspiration, and his teen aspiration and trait will dovetail very nicely. Plus, he's outgoing like his mama. Except for his mouth, he looks pretty different from Aspen, but they're both adorable. They both got the same type of eyes as Sasha has (the galaxy-looking ones) but in different colors than she has, and also different from each other. I'm super excited to see these kids grow up! When the last child is a teen, I'll go over their traits and aspirations again and put up a vote.
The kids enjoy some leftovers and conversation while Wendy writes for both her job and aspiration (and to bring in royalties, which are sorely needed!) and pregnant Sasha has turned in for the night. I guess I probably need to buy them beds.
Of course, two children in beds with no nightlights almost automatically equals monster. It woke them both up, but it was under Aspen's bed. She tried and failed to befriend it, and Alec went to Sasha for comfort. Sasha opted for a selfie instead. Oh yeah, she's a parenting natural.
Sasha announces her pregnancy to the doctor/key-holder, who is just thrilled at the news, and Saanvi looks on in disbelief.
Saanvi: "You mean there's going
to be more of her?"
Don't get on the wrong side of this family,
Saanvi. It's only going to get worse.
Sasha: "Hang on, sweetie. We're
almost at the end of the chapter."
Aspen: "Mom!"
Sasha: "What? Didn't you want
me to read to you for your aspiration?"
Aspen: "I did, but the
counter's dirty! How can I be expected to focus in this kind of squalor?"
You live on a rooftop and a single dirty counter
throws off your whole day, Aspen? Some priorities. Gotta love neat sims.
Davon: "So, I heard you only treat a few patients a day now that you're a big shot RN. What made me so lucky?"
Sasha: "You're one of only two
aliens I know of in this town, and I like your face better than Anton's. I
might marry you off to one of my kids some day, so you're of more use to me
Davon: "Ah, a real romantic, huh?"The twins get some help with homework in anticipation of their first day of school. Notice Sasha is looking quite pregnant.
In fact, just as Wendy is admiring her belly, Sasha gets that red glow that indicates she's uncomfortable from going into labor. Time to head down to the hospital again!
The alien enthusiast doctor from another hospital shows up again. I guess no one who actually works with Sasha wants to help her out. Sasha gets a bit of a pouty lip, but Wendy's in full-on freak out mode.
Sasha's been here before, so she's a lot more calm and trusting this time around. She's just ready to get her baby and get home. She does wonder where her wife is, though, while she's delivering their child.
Maybe it's better if she just doesn't know.
Sasha gives birth to a lovely little boy, who is a different blue than the twins.
Actually, make that two boys.
Actually, make that three boys. FML. They now have five children to raise on the roof. At least this one is getting a head start on getting used to living outside. This is me right now:
So . . . that Ley Lines lot trait is no joke. Twins and then triplets? Geez. And they're as poor as ever, though they are getting close to their very first box house. It's especially important now that there are three screaming babies and two children who will be trying to sleep. The triplet boys are each a different shade of blue, and only the youngest triplet is the same blue as the twins, so we have three skintones represented in the five kids. That's pretty cool, but I still wish some of them were green or purple. The boys, in order of birth, are Barry Allen (I had to, lol), Brady Allen, and Bryce Allen. Barry is the one in the foreground, then Brady is in the bassinet, and Wendy has Bryce.
Hi Aspen. You have three more
brothers. What do you think?
"I hate them already and I
don't even have that trait yet."
Yeah, Aspen was mad. Who's
surprised? Show of hands? No one? Oh, okay.
With five children to raise on a rooftop, the
Allens have their hands more than full, as do I directing them all around. This
seems like a good place to stop for the first chapter. Next time we will
hopefully see some semblance of a house and see the triplets grow into
children. How will Sasha fare at the hospital? Will everyone grow up cute? How
many naps can Wendy take now that she's the mother of five? Check back soon for
answers to some of these questions! In the meantime, be sure to stop by SiMania
and Boolprop
to chat. Thanks for reading the first chapter of the Allen Invasion! I hope you
enjoyed it and will come back for more. :)
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